Friday, July 8, 2016

Drive It Like You Stole It!

Friday night, June 10th, was a scorcher. The temperature was in the mid-nineties when we got to the track and it remained hot all evening long. We started the night with the objective to go in and drive it like we stole it! Much of the night was positive and encouraging.

The car count was low so it provided us some valuable laps running with the heavy-hitters in low traffic. We gained a lot of information about the car as well as valuable seat time.

This Hot at Race Time
Randy and I spent a good amount of time talking over my entrance into the corners as well as how I was coming off. Randy encouraged me to take more risk--to drive it like I stole it!

Randy wore a shirt from back in the day, which is still my all-time favorite. We have sweet memories of the time we spent working on race cars in Ron's garage.

Where 70/30 Happens
This night's feature was the best eighteen laps I have run at one time. I was consistent and fast. I raced with three guys side-by-side for the entire race. I enjoyed the challenge! On the last lap, a fellow racer and I got into each other down the back stretch, sending me into the turn three wall.

It is not supposed to look like this !
The car got bent and we have been scrambling ever since. The car was diamonded...which means TOTALED! We recently bought second car with no intentions of running it this year, but the plans have changed. We are now in the process of stripping one car and putting another one together.

A Mess!
We plan on having it all back together and running for Lee County on July 22nd.

Racing can be a cruel sport. Giving in or giving up is easy to do. Pushing through and getting better takes patience and desire.

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